Thoughts from video editing today…
I’m thinking this video project could have used a bit more pre-planning with the video editor and DVD producer. AKA, me. I mean what we’re getting is good. But it could have been more… Update: Actually not bad at all. It’s not going to win any of those high-falutin’ design/movie awards but it’s going to…
Bandwidth and technology constraints
I have an interesting design “problem” I’m working on. A client wants a new website. They would like it to become a useful and usable resource. The target audience for this site come from rural or economically-challenged demographics. So bandwidth and old technology constraints are real issues that need to be addressed by the design.…
Communication between 3 parties
In the midst of a website redesign project, I sent an email to the client outlining several issues I was currently grappling with in the design and some of my feedback on some of the client’s feedback on previous design iterations. This email outlined the problems and suggested solutions and sought client feedback on these…