Well something of my portfolio is up. I will be the first to admit that it sucks. I wonder why I even bothered. It took way too long to narrow down the infrastructure -static XHTML or use WordPress’ dynamic PHP template system. I wanted to tie it into the blog as far as the look…
New look!
After much messing around with the wonderful Ocadia-theme, I’ve produced something I can call my own (hat tip to Becca Wei, author of the Ocadia theme). There will be refinements along the way as I get more comfortable with the PHP coding of WordPress and as I figure out how to add my own elements.…
When is the portfolio going live?
I’ve been struggling to figure this out myself! I wanted to have this all done by the end of March. Obviously that didn’t happen. So I’m making it a goal to have the portfolio up and running by April 30th, 2006. And the font? It’s lame. I hate it. I can’t stand it. It needs…