An open letter to Adobe…
Dear Adobe, Your activation process is making my life miserable. I am trying to follow the rules and regulations of the EULA (which sucks too but that has more to do with the poor state of legal affairs). But here’s the issue. Although I predominately use my CS3 license on my desktop machine, I occasionally…
You can’t get there from here…
So I got my CS3 Design Premium update. This updates Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Flash, and Acrobat Professional to … whatever version CS3 puts them at now. Its all fine and dandy and it updates pretty much everything I have from either Adobe or Macromedia. Almost. I therefore added Fireworks CS3 update to my order…
Coda: the short and sweet review
If you haven’t heard by now, Panic, makers of fine Mac software, just released their latest app: Coda Pros: It’s very good at doing what it says–providing a one-window web development environment. Cons: It may not be your perfect solution. Should you purchase it? Well I’d strongly suggest downloading the fully-functional 15 day trial and…