Per Design

Mostly musings on design

Per Design

  • Mother may I?

    For about a good half-hour today I was very close to freaking out about possibility of loosing my blog. It started off when I took a look at what end users see when they go to comment on my site. I wasn’t very pleased as the comment “page” lost its sidebar for whatever inexplicable reason…

  • Thoughts on the MacBook Pro

    It’s thin. It’s fairly light. Adobe apps run just fine as long as you aren’t working with huge files. In other words Web design work will not suffer. MAMP works well. No issues noted with any of my major apps. The one minor concern is that the MacBook Pro outputs a lot of heat. Maybe…

  • Operation Graduate School

    So my wife graduates this week and then we head out to Michigan State for her graduate school. I’ve had lots of emails and phonecalls about possible work opportunities but none within 1000 miles of where we’re moving. Somebody is not looking at my website! Michigan, folks. I’m moving to Michigan. So if you happen…