Per Design

Mostly musings on design

Per Design

  • Funny sight

    Imagine if you will a gaggle of Canadian geese landing on the icy surface of a frozen pond. Well some friends and I saw it live. The sliding, the honking, and the crashing into the side of pond. Absolutely hilarious. Also one particular goose seemed to be irate at another and kept chasing it around the pond – an absurd…

  • Microsoft heard disquieting rumblings across the web…

    And after much anguish and gnashing of teeth from horrified standards-loving web designers and developers, Microsoft decided against their previous approach and elected that IE 8 will now support standards first. The metatag will now be used to trigger IE7 rendering. A much better approach in my opinion. And the rumble of discontent fell away…

  • More snow

    As I speak, the Lansing area accumulates another 1-3 inches. Here is a photo from the last time in which we got about 10 inches. People at work are starting to wonder where spring is. Potholes are also becoming quite noticeable and very atrocious. And to top it off, Michigan just experienced a “salt” shortage.…