Tiny Art Director
http://tinyartdirector.blogspot.com/ Brings a smile. If only all our clients or art directors could be so honest, upfront, and most importantly, lovable.
Thoughts on Adobe’s Creative Suite 4
So I’ve upgraded to Adobe’s CS4. Overall it has been a good upgrade. Here are some of my random thoughts on it – perhaps they may be useful to others out there. First off – I passionately hate the new “we’re going to stick this amazingly huge, limited-purpose bar over everything” UI. Very un-cool. And…
Recent books read
Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson 4/5 A good, romping, fun read. Looks huge, but reads well. Perfect for when you’re sick. Thanks Ryan! Likes: Great story, moves quickly and packed full of memorable characters Dislikes: The ending is a bit abrupt with less closure then I’d have liked. Also some mild historical innacuracies and perhaps overuse…