Still loving Pods Framework
Still loving Pods Framework. The plugin just so powerful and flexible. I’m still amazed at just what’s possible. I just finished building out a WordPress site with CPTs (Custom Post Types) and custom Taxonomys to handle creating and displaying project information. Pods Framework really made it easy.
Shadowrun and Space Hulk
Yeah. My mind is blown. Shadowrun is back as a decent computer game via Steam (Shadowrun Returns). Most reviews find the single-player only campaign decent but short but everyone seems interested in the game designer tool – much player-created content is expected. This is going to be awesome. And then Space Hulk is on pre-order…
Three WordPress plugins I recommend
No worries – I’m not affiliated with or receive any commission from these plugins. I’ve just been happy with their functionality and usefulness and have used them on several projects. ThreeWP Activity Monitor Want to know what’s happening on your site? This little plugin logs *most* if not all possible activities that can be logged.…