Per Design

Mostly musings on design

Per Design

Life updates

So this is the big week when my wife decides which grad school she’ll be going to. At the moment the field is narrowed down to Michigan State and Penn State. While Penn State has name cachet, they also prefer students going for doctorates, which my wife isn’t so keen on. It’s also in the middle of nowhere which may crimp my ability to provide for the two of us. Michigan State though is trying really, really hard to get us to come. Like lining me up with the Art Dept. faculty to help me find a job in the region, a stipend as well as scholarship for the wife, and cheap on-campus dorm housing. The University of Washington appears to be discombobulated as they say “yes we want you!” but “you’ll have to pay!”. No scholarship or stipend. And then they sent my wife several confusing mailings which suggest they really, really want her but have no idea what to do about it. University of NY Albany is off the lists as they won’t know until late April, early May, about who they want. And then there’s the elusive University of Illinois — Urabana/Champagne which would be my wife’s top pick but they have yet to utter a peep about who they want. Exciting isn’t it? Anyway we should know by the end of this week where we’ll be living in late August.


2 responses to “Life updates”

  1. It never hurts to ask, a lesson I have found to be particularly true here at the UW. Need to turn in an application two months late? Well, ask the right people, and you will find that there is a way to do that. Need to have 60 credits of hard science show up as UW courses? Ask the right departments and that can happen to. Need to get money to realistically consider an option? Ask, and that just might happen too.

    Of course, as you said, the UW leans more in the biological direction (ie, biomaterials over pure material science) but its hard to beat the location (football team sucks though).

  2. Well the University of Illinois turned Kaylee down. And as for the UW, yeah the location is neat but as noted the program is more bio oriented. Not bad mind you, but not in the area where Kaylee would like to do research. And yes I know about the “ask and ye shall receive” doctrine but when a competing university offers a better deal right off the bat with a good research program in the areas that Kaylee wants to do research in…well, the UW lost on this decision.